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Enabling businesses to build impactful products with gold standard ESG data

Akadia is a provider of high-quality Environmental, Social and Governance data to companies that empower financial institutions with their ESG products, ratings and services. Founded by experienced Information Services professionals, we are passionate about making sustainability data more open, relevant and meaningful to the world. 

Image by Akin

Best-in-class data and insights for your ESG products and solutions

Akadia offers a wide variety of actionable environmental, social and governance metrics standardized across a common template. In addition to our standard data products, we offer tailored data curation as a service to businesses that need bespoke ESG datasets built to power their products and solutions. Our fundamental purpose is to enable businesses committed to sustainable markets get cost-effective access to accurate, comprehensive and relevant ESG data.

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Bespoke ESG datasets curated for your specific business needs

Do you run a business that uses ESG data as an essential ingredient for your products? Get quality ESG datasets custom-curated for your specific requirements and pay only for the coverage and indicators you need.


Leveraging rich industry experience and best-in-class systems, our ESG datasets are curated by expert data analysts from sustainability reports, annual reports, websites and other sources on the public domain. We continue to help businesses bring to market impactful ESG products with our customised data-as-a-service offering.

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Pick data à la carte from our rich ESG data catalog

Buy only the data that you need - you don't have to buy the entire dataset.


Our standard GRI-based template covers nearly two hundred quality metrics with five years of historical data for you to choose from. Our data curation processes are governed by standard practices and protocols that enable comparing the data of one company with another. Our data feeds come with our internal analyst notes to help you understand the derivation of the data that are not straight-forward to derive.


Reach out to get a copy of our data catalog. Our data offering is not set in stone. If we don't have what you need today, we would love to explore getting data for your needs just for you.

Greenhouse Gas


Energy Use and Generation

Waste Management

Water Use and Management


Employee Health and Safety

Compliance and Regulation

Community Engagement

Diversity and Inclusion

Negative Screening

Board Quality

Supply Chain

Executive Compensation

Key Financial Metrics

Image by Nathan Langer

We are more than a data provider.
We are your data partner.

Get more than just quality data. Tell us what your business needs to be successful. Tell us what you products need to be able to stand out in the crowd. We help businesses go to market with their ESG products built with unique data dimensions, uncommon features and not-so-easily-available metadata.


We helped an ESG platform company in Europe take to market source text our analysts use to produce data along with the data itself. We helped a product company in the United States provide their customers the ability to trace data all the way back to its source. We're helping an innovative ESG platform company in the United Kingdom deliver ESG impact tags to their customers that summarize the impact of companies on their profiles along with quality raw data.


In a rapidly growing ESG market, you might need more than just quality data to differentiate your products. At Akadia, we work with you to help differentiate your ESG products and find unique positions in the market.

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We standardize all data that we sell so you're able to benchmark performance and compare one company with another.


Leveraging robust data collection guidelines developed over a period of time coupled with significant exposure to ESG reporting, we only provide data that is comparable.


Standardization prevents us from collecting certain reported data that are non-standardizable, but we think it's an essential trade-off to utility and usefulness of our data.

Standardized Data

Image by Lanju Fotografie

We provide access to the documents where our data is extracted from so you're able to validate the data or provide your customers the ability to do so.


All source documents are made available on Akadia's servers so the documents stay accessible even if their public URLs change or if the reporting companies take them down.


Access to source documents is a standard offering across all our datasets and it comes at no additional cost.

Source Documents

Image by Ryan Shumway

We reach out to companies to source data for indicators that are not available on the public domain so the chances of your getting such data is enhanced.


Do you or your customers care for a certain set of metrics more than the others? If the data you care for are not reported on public disclosure, we can reach out to companies to try to get such data for you.


Must say, not all companies respond to our outreach, but the ones that do make this effort worthwhile.

Missing Data Outreach

Image by Olia Gozha

Ever wondered how useful it might be for your customers to click on a datapoint in your product and be transported to the exact datapoint in the source document?


We're working on a technology initiative that enables just that. Our data is soon expected to come with page numbers and exact coordinates of data in source documents. You can use the page numbers or source coordinates for your own purposes or render traceability of data to your customers in your products.

Data Traceability

Image by Masaaki Komori

We source data from documents disclosed in over 60 different languages so you're able to get all data available on the public domain.


Our language translation suite leveraging some of the best translation APIs and a network of consultant language experts help translate sustainability disclosures presented in a variety of languages.

Document Translation

Image by Leone Venter

In order to populate data in our products, our analysts make hundreds of data derivations every day based on factual observations, judgements, and sometimes, assumptions based on certain disclosures.


While we have in place internal guardrails that govern such derivations so the data our analysts produce are comparable, we also do publish our internal analyst notes detailing unusual derivations so you understand how we got where we did with certain metrics.

Analyst Notes

Why ESG research, ratings, product and advisory companies use Akadia

Data Quality

We're obsessed with data quality. Get a $20 discount for every error you find in our data. Our data quality guarantee is an expression of our confidence in our data quality.

Bespoke Curation

Need more than what our data catalog offers? We can curate datasets that are in alignment with your specific business requirements.

Open Licensing

We offer a no-strings-attached license that lets you reuse or redistribute our data. We love watching our data power impactful sustainability products and solutions in the market.

Data error discounts are governed by our data quality guarantee program. Reach out to our team to learn more.

Fair Pricing

Quality data doesn't have to be expensive. We don't price based on AUM or how you intend to use our data. Our prices are simply driven by the cost of curating your dataset with a margin for us that makes it worth our effort.

Image by Mike Yukhtenko

Akadia Drive is a rapidly growing repository of ESG and financial reports published by companies around the world.

Get access to one of the largest repositories of ESG documents

Image by Sappho Bakker

Learn how we helped a platform company build an ESG negative screening product

No greater obsession than our obsession for quality

Drive for quality is in our DNA. Our ESG data goes through some of the most rigorous, technology-driven quality frameworks to test for accuracy. We understand how critical quality data is to making investment decisions and we go the whole nine yards to ensure that our data is accurate, relevant and comprehensive.

Two sets of eyes

Every data point gets verified by two different data analysts to ensure accuracy before they reach you.

Automated error checks

Our automated system of error checks alerts our analysts to potential data discrepancies so they are fixed at source.

Quality audits

Manual, logic-based internal quality audits of our data help weed out some of the last, elusive errors in datasets.

Image by Phil Desforges

Enabled by technology, driven by experts

We use some of the most sophisticated and robust technologies to build datasets, but at the heart of our process are our analysts.


Our legacy flagship data platform, the Data Console, is an all-inclusive system that comprises essential tools for our data teams to curate large volumes of quality data efficiently. Leveraging Microsoft Azure cloud capabilities, the Data Console hosts an intelligent automation system called Lucy, OCR and language translation engines, content relevance algorithms, a customizable rules-driven data quality framework, a workflow management system and numerous forms to support curation of datasets.


However, we consider technology as just an enabler. Our processes are intricately designed to leverage human intelligence to produce quality, reliable data and insights that you can trust.

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Power your ESG product ambitions without worrying about data

Talk to our team to understand how our data capabilities can help you get access to quality data and accelerate the go-to-market of your ESG products.

Try our data for free

Get free-of-cost access to our ESG data of any three companies of your choice. Subscribe to an extended trial to try our data for a larger set. Interested? Contact us and we'll get you set up in a day.

Contact us

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Image by Josh Rose

Akadia Inc.

120 19th Street N, Suite 406, Birmingham, Alabama, United States

Akadia Information Services Private Limited

Building 5, 19th Floor, DLF Cyber City, Gurugram, Haryana, India

2021, Akadia Inc. All rights reserved.

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